Developed by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes, this drama follows a young woman living in New York City's glittering Gilded Age. Against this backdrop, the story begins in 1882 when young Marian Brook, the orphaned daughter of a Union general, moves into the NYC home of her thoroughly old money aunts and gets caught up in the dazzling lives of her stupendously rich neighbors.more
Developed by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes, this drama fo...More
Starring: Carrie CoonMorgan SpectorLouisa Jacobson
Creator: Julian Fellowes
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Developed by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes, this drama follows a young woman living in New York City's glittering Gilded Age. Against this backdrop, the story begins in 1882 when young Marian Brook, the orphaned daughter of a Union general, moves into the NYC home of her thoroughly old money aunts and gets caught up in the dazzling lives of her stupendously rich neighbors.
About this Show
The Gilded Age
Developed by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes, this drama follows a young woman living in New York City's glittering Gilded Age. Against this backdrop, the story begins in 1882 when young Marian Brook, the orphaned daughter of a Union general, moves into the NYC home of her thoroughly old money aunts and gets caught up in the dazzling lives of her stupendously rich neighbors.