From Emmy winner David Mandel (HBO's Veep), this five-episode limited series tells the story of how President Richard Nixon's own political saboteurs and Watergate masterminds, E. Howard Hunt (Woody Harrelson) and G. Gordon Liddy (Justin Theroux), accidentally toppled the presidency they were zealously trying to protect.more
From Emmy winner David Mandel (HBO's Veep), this five-episode lim...More
Starring: Woody HarrelsonJustin TherouxLena Headey
Creators: Alex GregoryPeter Huyck
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From Emmy winner David Mandel (HBO's Veep), this five-episode limited series tells the story of how President Richard Nixon's own political saboteurs and Watergate masterminds, E. Howard Hunt (Woody Harrelson) and G. Gordon Liddy (Justin Theroux), accidentally toppled the presidency they were zealously trying to protect.
About this Show
White House Plumbers
From Emmy winner David Mandel (HBO's Veep), this five-episode limited series tells the story of how President Richard Nixon's own political saboteurs and Watergate masterminds, E. Howard Hunt (Woody Harrelson) and G. Gordon Liddy (Justin Theroux), accidentally toppled the presidency they were zealously trying to protect.